田讯电子(烟台)有限公司 - 专业从事HDMI Cabe,USB Cabel,PCB,WireHarness产品的研发、生产和销售


网站首页 > 产品展示 > HDMI Cable

    HDMI A to A Cable

    • 料号LA00HD001
    • 描述Product Certificates No.: HDMI A to A cable 1.5M 30AWG Certificate #48814 2.0M 32AWG Certificate #48170 2.5M 32AWG Certificate #49131 3.0M 28AWG Certificate #47777 3.0M 30AWG Certificate #48169 3.0M 30AWG Certificate #47205 3.0M 30AWG Certificate #48652 3.7M 28AWG Certificate #49130 5.0M 26AWG Certificate #48653 5.0M 28AWG Certificate #48171 Please contact us, we will provide quotation to you soon.
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